Frankie Manning, an early pioneer of Swing, created many of the acrobatic Swing moves that people still use to this day. When well-advanced in years (he danced up until his passing, a month shy of his 95th birthday), he was asked how to do a perfect basic, to which he replied, “I don’t know; but I’ll tell you when I get there.”
For a man who spent years creating and perfecting a dance style, he probably had every right to suggest that he had achieved perfection. He understood, rather, that there would always be room for improvement, there would always be room for innovation, there would always be room for expansion.
The better a person gets and the more he learns about a particular subject, the more he realizes that there’s even more to learn. Learning never stops.
Everyone who aspires to be a black belt (in martial arts), sees the rank as a final destination, a goal to achieve. Everyone who has achieved a black belt, understands that this rank is just the beginning of his martial arts education.